Walters Road Public School

Honesty, Courtesy and Effort

Telephone02 9672 2333

About our school

Warami Mittigar. Good to see you friend.

Welcome to Walters Road Public School!

'We enrol families, not just students'

Our school acknowledges the Darug people who are theĀ traditional custodians of the land on which Walters Road Public School resides.

Walters Road Public School is a welcoming and inclusive learning community dedicated to preparing all students to become lifelong learners. We strive to create a safe and stimulating environment through quality teaching, working together to help children reach their potential and contribute meaningfully to society. We are committed to fostering the values of honesty, courtesy, and effort.

Our school remains highly regarded within the local community, thanks to the dedication of our committed teachers, the support of parents and the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C), and the hard work of our dedicated students.

At WRPS, we use Positive Behaviour for Learning - a whole school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school enviornment where students can learn and develop. Our whole school community works together to establish expected behaviours and teach them to all students.

Our PBL signs are displayed across the school and the expectations match according to the location.

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